Friday, February 10

What I'm Working On

Sorry this is anything but design related... but here's what I'm working on.

So it seems a lot of people I know gave their husband a "Year of Dates" for Christmas. I missed that bandwagon. So, I'm giving my husband a Year of Dates for Valentine's Day. Here are some bloggers that have done a great job with this idea:

Creative 1 Dollar

Find Joy in the Journey

I also got some ideas from this site:

Love, Actually

My ideas are as follows... in case you're interested:

Feb - Envelope Day Date
March - Bookstore Date
April - Tandem Bike Ride
May - Bowling
June - Kayaking
July - Camping
Aug - Take a class (I haven't figured out what kind yet)
Sept - Kite Flying
Oct - Movies in the Park
Nov - Segway Tour
Dec - Shooting Range
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  1. I'm sure you could make lots of them double dates... but we need the alone/just us time. The great thing is this is totally customizable for you and your significant.



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